Alicescópio de Curiosismos_EN

Collage by Adriana Peliano Alicescope of Curiosities (Portuguese) Each time we venture with Alice into the White Rabbit’s hole, we dive into spirals of dreams and surprising challenges. We keep finding in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland marvelous enigmatic hats from which alicedelias and curiouserisms sprout. Intriguing interpretations emerge in multiple fields of knowledge and artistic […]


Collage by Adriana Peliano Alicenations Alice, understood here as the chaos-cosmos defined in Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (1872), is still a great enigma. Paradox, nonsense, game, labyrinth. Wonderland and Looking-Glass Land are not geographic spaces, built within a linear and continuous topography, but puzzles, boards, […]

Alicis Especularis​_EN

Colagem de Adriana Peliano Alicis Specularis (Portuguese) At the age of seven, I peered through Alice’s Looking-glass. I found an enigmatic girl who soon asked me, “Who are you?” She didn’t take my name for an answer; “That’s what you’re called,” she snapped. Suddenly our mirrors were reflected between the curves of space-time like a […]


Alicescope of Curiosities (Portuguese) The Hunt for Alice in 7 Crises Alicis Specularis (Portuguese) How did Alice end up atSítio do Picapau Amarelo? (Portuguese) Alicescope of Alicenations: The Looking-Glass, the Impossible and the Dream Through Surrealism and What Alice Found There Alice’s Adventures Underground Alicenations

Através do surrealismo e o que Alice encontrou lá_EN

Collage by Adriana Peliano Through Surrealism and What Alice Found There A journey through the universe of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. But it is not the Alice books that we are going to visit, but the Alices that the surrealists re-created and, after that, the […]

Aventuras de Alice no Subterrâneo_EN

Colagem de Adriana Peliano Alice’s Adventures under Ground New Alices in multiple arts and languages ​​proposes a game between tradition and artistic freedom. Rather than explaining the text, the search for fidelity is challenged by attraction to the strange and enigmatic. Today’s most innovative immersive virtual reality installations challenge the impossible, the language of dreams […]

Como Alice foi parar no Sítio do Picapau Amarelo_EN

Image: Jô Oliveira, 1996. How did Alice end up at Sítio do Picapau Amarelo? (Portuguese) Alice arrived in Brazil through Monteiro Lobato’s portal. It was he who made the first Brazilian translation and adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, with illustrations by A. L. Bowley, in the same year (1931) that As Reinações de Narizinho came […]

A caça à Alice em 7 crises_EN

Image: Lewis Carroll The Hunt for Alice in 7 Crises The reader follows Alice’s transformations through the visual arts, from Victorian illustrations to contemporary art, passing through surrealism, Disney films and Gothic Lolitas. Along the way, new articulations between text and image emerge that emphasize the multiplicity of readings to which Lewis Carroll’s work gives […]

Alicescópio de alicinações: o espelho, o impossível e o sonho_EN

Image: Iassen Ghiuselev Alicescope of Alicenations: The Looking-Glass, the Impossible and the Dream New Alices in multiple arts and languages propose a game between tradition and freedom. Rather than explaining the text, the search for fidelity is challenged by attraction to the strange and enigmatic. Today’s most innovative immersive virtual reality installations challenge the impossible, […]


Colagem de Adriana Peliano Alicinações Alice, entendida aqui como o caos-cosmos definido a partir das duas Alices de Lewis Carroll: Alice no país das Maravilhas (1865) e Através do espelho e o que Alice encontrou lá (1872), ainda é um grande enigma. Paradoxo, nonsense, jogo, labirinto. O País das Maravilhas e o País do Espelho […]